Feb 5, 2012


Words are spoken yet actions need to be taken
Appreciation would always be the token
Together with a humble trust and love
It will never be forever broken .

What difference does perception and submission make
When your own opinion is at stake?
You take charge of the decisions you make
So never stray from yourself by being fake.

Strength and wisdom is God given,
You need not to be proven
Love thyself before you get even
Friends will hold the fortress
When you can’t bear being beaten.

All is fair in love and war
Or so that is what has been rumored from afar
You’ve taken yourself til this far
Don’t let a pebble halt  you from your journey
And keep you bottled up in a jar.

A fair maiden that you are
Independent in ways that you have become
In  this life you will  raise the bar
Need not let a man suffocate you like a lung filled with tar.

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